Project Medicine dropThe Lacey Township Police Department is proud to announce the installation of the “Project Medicine Drop” box in the lobby of police headquarters. Residents now have a method to properly dispose of unwanted medication in a safe and legal manner. Lacey Township residents may bring their unwanted medication to the lobby of police headquarters and simply drop the medication into the clearly marked dropbox without any other steps necessary. NO syringes and NO liquids may be dropped, as they are NOT permitted. The dropbox is for medication only. No other unwanted items are permitted in the box.

Although residents may be most comfortable emptying their pills (while in the lobby) into a single, unmarked plastic bag before dropping them into the receptacle, the program allows for the resident to drop the pills in their original container and/or box.

The program is anonymous and no record will be made of individual identities related to the discarded medication. Residents simply need to enter headquarter, drop the medications in the designated box, and leave without checking in with police dispatch.

The box is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The box has a very limited capacity, so for the upcoming weeks, residents who have large amounts of medication to discard are asked to call Detective Sergeant Chris Cornelius during regular business hours, Tuesday thru Friday, and make arrangements for a coordinated drop off.